Your Health Made Effortless

Achieve optimal health in a fraction of the time without needless medication or gimmicks

The 80/20 Health System

Are you tired of feeling exhausted and run down?

Are you sick of not having the energy to enjoy life to the fullest?

If you’re a man looking for a fresh start with your health, then this coaching program is for you.

You’ll get the tools and guidance you need to increase your energy levels and take back control of your health.

This program is based on the fundamentals of health.

We’ll cover the 8 key components of health that are essential for generating energy: Light Environment, Sleep, Hydration, Nutrition, Movement/Training, Supplementation, Detoxification, & Blood/Gene Analysis.

Throughout the 8 weeks, you’ll learn how to create an individualized health plan that works for your lifestyle and goals.

The coaching program is designed to help you develop the habits and behaviours that will empower you to take back control of your health.

My holistic approach combines education and practical skills with accountability and support.

I’ll provide you with the guidance you need to stay on track and make lasting changes.

I understand that everyone’s health journey is unique.

That’s why I’ve tailored my program to fit the individual needs of men such as yourself

I’ll work with you to develop a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle and goals.

If you’re ready to kick-start your health journey and take back control of your energy levels, join me for The 80/20 Health System. With my help, you’ll be on your way to feeling energized and powerful in just a few weeks.

Meet Your Coach

Zaid K. Dahhaj

I’m obsessed with a holistic understanding of human health and helping people heal. My aim is to make a difference using my unique skill set. If you’re interested in real solutions, a systematic approach to health and getting the most out of your innate energetic system, I’m the man who can help.

I’m a competitive soccer player at heart and have played since I was four years old. The athletic experience I have in combination with my client experience makes my work unique because I have one foot in both worlds.

The Coaching Process

Pillar #1: Light Environment

We cover arguably the most important fundamental of health first, your light environment. We’ll walk through exactly what you should be doing in relation to light. How to use the healing type of light in the morning and during the day. How to avoid the toxic type of light after sunset. What tools you can use to protect yourself from both toxic light and non-native electromagnetic frequencies.

Pillar #2: Sleep

The quality and duration of your sleep is paramount. I come across many people who desperately need help with how well they rest. I effortlessly solve problems like insomnia, multiple wake-ups throughout the night, waking up feeling like you got hit by a truck, so forth.

We cover the importance of getting enough deep and REM sleep in addition to using foundational strategies which will maximize both to have you feeling like a God.

Pillar #3: Hydration

We cover every aspect of necessary hydration, how much water to drink, what should ideally be in your water, causes of dehydration that cause any current symptoms you’re dealing with, and more. The quality of water you drink influences your physiological and psychological function deeply.

We must protects ourselves against the scourge of municipal tap water and other sources which claim to be healthy for us.

Pillar #4: Nutrition

Nutrition is one of the most crucial pillars because it directly ties into how you sleep, feel, think, act, and perform throughout the day. We dive into the metabolic typing framework which personalizes nutrition based on your biochemical needs, correct/incorrect meal combos, what to avoid more often than not, so forth.

Pillar #5: Movement & Training

I address any injuries or nagging pains you have along the way. I use movement as a way to supplement your specific goals rather than having you spend hours in the gym. There’s an emphasis on preventative movement strategies to avoid future injury. Given my athletic experience playing soccer competitively, I’m able to offer the best of both worlds.

Pillar #6: Detoxification

We cover the fundamentals of detoxification which is often misunderstand and arguably more important than nutrition in my opinion. This includes how to protect yourself from environmental toxins through changing your habits and household.

Everything from using the shower properly to what cookware to buy. Protecting your health from various forms of pollution is crucial.

Pillar #7: Supplementation

We cover the fundamentals of using supplements properly because there’s a lot of BS out there. This includes what to take, in what forms, in what combinations based on your specific symptoms. Most importantly, we want to simplify supplementation instead of having you buy a million things, hoping something will help. This is all about targeting your symptoms and maintaining homeostasis with food grade vitamins, minerals and co-factors.


Blood & Gene Test Interpretation

I have extensive experience interpreting my own blood and gene test results. I’ll guide you through the most important markers to look for and give you specific, targeted recommendations based on those markers to reduce the risk of future chronic disease. The same applies to the gene analysis as well. Unfortunately, I cannot provide the testing myself, so this would apply in the case that you’ve already gotten past testing or intend on getting some in the near future.

Once we connect


What are you looking for?

On the call, you’ll be asked a good number of questions to help me see if I’m in the position to help you or not. Most importantly, it’s a wholesome conversation to uncover the reality of your situation, not a job interview.


Onboarding process.

If we are a good fit and agree to all terms, we immediately get the ball rolling. You’ll be sent an in depth assessment which gives me a great idea of your current lifestyle.


Get to work.

Following the onboarding assessment, we jump on an onboarding call to discuss the details of your assessment. On the same call, you’ll receive actionable advice to start seeing results quickly. From there, it’s a game of communication and iteration.

Real Results


What happens if I don't feel a difference after 8 weeks?

If by the end of the 8 weeks, you feel like my expertise and coaching hasn’t worked for you at all..

And you abide by three conditions:

1. You follow all of my sleep recommendations.

2. You follow all of my nutrition recommendations.

3. You follow all of my movement recommendations.

Then I will refund you the full original amount and give you an additional $150 on top of that.

Is 8 weeks enough time to make a health transformation?

1000%. Every gentleman I’ve worked with thus far has seen incredible results and has successfully been given the tools to follow for the rest of their life.

How is this possible?

Because I focus on the fundamentals of each pillar in addition to the 80/20 principle.

What can I expect from the 80/20 Health System?

The 80/20 Health System is a 1-on-1 coaching program designed for coachable & committed men who want to destroy exhaustion by fixing their sleep, hydration, nutrition, movement, and supplementation with just 1-3 hours of weekly work.

How long is the program?

8 weeks long.

How often will we communicate?


I'm there whenever you need me.

Always on call.